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Class of 2010
Shira Hecht, CEO Update Danielle Post, Penguin Group USA Will Sommer, The Daily Beast Christina Cauterucci, Slate Sarah Mimms, Buzzfeed Emilia Ferrara, Capitally Magazine
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Class of 2011
Cara Maresca, MSNBC Monica McNutt, ESPN Colleen Leahy, Fortune Magazine Caitlin Huey-Burns, CBS Juliana Brint, Pearl Project Tierney Sneed, Talking Points Memo Vanessa de la Torre, New England News Co
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Rebecca Sinderbrand, Program Director Rebecca Sinderbrand (she/her) is a Professor of the Practice and Director of the Journalism Program. She joined the university following more than two de
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The Journalism Program, including the Journalism minor, is open to all students. Students are invited to apply for the Journalism minor in the spring semester. Applications will be accepted start
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Journalism Resources
Georgetown Student and Alumni Media The Georgetown Voice The Hoya The Blaxa The Georgetown Independent The Caravel On the Record The Georgetown Heckler Georgetown Radio Th
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Below is a list of our offered courses for Fall 2021. JOUR-100 Introduction to Journalism (W or R 9:30a.m.-12p.m.) JOUR-200 Digital News (T/R 12:30p.m. -1:45 p.m.) JOUR 303 - Covering the Cit
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Courses and Requirements for the Minor
To complete the minor, students must take at least six Journalism courses, including two required classes and four electives. The minor also requires completion of an internship at a news media o
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